Sunday, October 25, 2009

The River Man

So, this is my second addition to my school-forum's Folklore thread. Unfortunately the forum is down for the moment, so you're in luck people as you'll see it before everybody else!! (I know there's no one actually checking this blog, but now you are, and you'll see this picture before the others... unless the school forum is back up again soon, in which case others will definitely have seen it before you , thus rendering the last 58 words completely rendundant).

This is Åmanden.. (Danish for the River Man). He is actually not described as a tangible visible being, but more an entity. Every time someone drowns in the river or any body of water it is said that he or she was taken by the River Man. If nobody has drowned for the last year or so, it is said that the River Man says "The time has come, but I still do not have my man.." and suddenly one of the people who hears this runs to the river and drowns him or herself and no one is able to stop them..


  1. Fedt du poster den her, håber dog at KC snart er oppe igen. Er ked af hvis folklore tråden stopper sådan :S

  2. Jeg prøvede lige at gå på KC igår og da sagde min comp. at der var en Trojan på færde.. :(

  3. Jep jeg er helt enig med Rasser.

    Jeg sagde jeg har ikke fået min folklore tegning og den første der hørte dette løb direkte hjem
    og tegnede en folklore tegning til mig..

    Fedt stemmening massi! jeg er vildt med den døde i bg.

  4. Takker. Der skulle nu gerne være et par stykker, eller tre..

  5. Har du fået Art Raget helt vildt endnu?.
